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here's some of our frequently asked questions about Finch's child modelling agency, however, if you have any further questions, please contact us and we'll be happy to help

  • Where are you based?
    Finch's Agency is based in Essex and takes children both locally and nationwide. Most of our work is London based so you must be willing to travel.
  • Can you guarantee a child's work?
    No, sadly this industry does not guarantee anyone's work. I receive the brief and then select the children that fit this brief. Once sent off to the casting director we cross our fingers that you are selected to audition. This is the first step on the ladder.
  • What is the audition process?
    Auditions differ, we are finding we now start with self tapes and then are often called for a face to face meeting although we have been known to cast from self tapes. After that it varies, sometimes recalls are made and with the West End you can be required to stay most of the day with recall after recall.
  • What kind of work should we expect?
    We get all sorts of work in varying from photographic, West End shows, commercials, short films, soaps and feature films to name a few. There is something for everyone – when you apply please make me aware of the areas you require.
  • What is sole and non sole?
    Sole is belonging to just one agency and non sole is belonging to multiple. In my experience being with multiple agencies can cause issues. When multiple agencies suggest your child it can cause confusion and also the casting director can get pretty cross. Finch is currently non sole so you can make your own choice if you want to register with other agencies or not.
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